I’d like to thank you all for having subscribed, and wish you a happy New Year for 2025!
I think that the work I’ve put into this blog since I started early this year has catalyzed a whole lot of personal changes—changes I’m still trying to even account for and understand.
On top of that, I’m also in college studying for a new career in addictions counseling: a profession which is all about the psychology and practical implementation of habit disruption and new-habit formation.
So pardon me while my writing plays catch-up with my life. Blogs are supposed to log current events and newsletters report the new. But I mainly only write publicly about things in my past, which have cooled down and can be analyzed and shared with detachment.
A great deal of emotional and psychological problems could be fixed if people treated their present-day life as the subject of discussion with friends and family, and kept their public self more retrospective. Write your experiences as they happen privately, but digest and commoditize them when they’ve settled.
I’m writing about my psychosis because it is over—I couldn’t have possibly done so while still under its even influence, even thought I often really, really wanted to. I’ve a great deal of fresh stuff, half-finished, waiting for the results to come in.
But as the busy season dies down (my only day off this week has been Christmas Day), please expect my next major habit to be a regular consistant writing routine!
All the best,