'When the primary problem of my psychosis was a feeling of being watched, or having my thoughts read, modern technology certainly didn’t help. Being surrounded by machines with microphones and cameras, and news articles about mind-computer interface devices are probably, in my view, the cruelest thing in the world to inflict upon someone suffering these delusions.' my partner went through this, precisely, not only was the phone doing the regular trying-to-sell-you-things-that-had-been-captured-recently-in-the-phone-camera-eye-or-microphone-ear it was also cloned and doing other more-than-usual privacy invasions. And I'm like reading the articles about the mind-computer interfaces because I am also interested in where this is all going. I'm so appreciative of having your perspective on this. maintaining the observer. He is also much recovered and off of all the substances, tho there is a sort of neutral purgatory phase right now. meanwhile, my kids are possessed by the content generators and I'm fighting for certain key embodied victories, mainly in the local food system. Thank you again for this blog

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I'm glad that your husband is doing better. The biggest problem is there really is a there there when it comes to how invasive this technology is, and at the same time so much of the economy is relying on these practices that there is no incentive to be truthful. I think that even when people misinterpret the reality of what is possible, or what's going on, or who's behind it—and who can blame them? They're working without so much crucial information—the proportion of their outrage or anger or fear is just. It really is atrocious what tech companies have gotten away with.

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I know I went on a bit of a Substack bender. First your archives then at like 3am got into John Carter. Nice you both wrote back to my comments. Internet community 😅. Still, promise I’m doing plenty material. Working on a meat packing plant. Ran a handyman biz. Like… but then again ‘sometimes I can’t find anyone who shares my interests except on the internet 😁. Thanks again 💕🫡

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i became deathly ill during the same period .. only halfway back to full strength now

here's all my notes:


9 pdfs as of march 2021 ......... a total of 7917 [margin to margin A4 size] pages

28th of march 2023

✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚


- :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚

https://www.archive.org/details/piety-piet-close-up-or-closeted-up --- 832 pages ... 4books in1

pRECAP - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: + :: -

close or closed, cringe or clarity, a cadance ..... about a spare time friend, teacher, sustitute father and spontaneity extremist .. not to mention eyebrow raising, DEADLY JEALOUSY KINDLING, wild success

Zieik = p205 - p335 = 2014 to beginning of 2019

Zieik = p336 - p254 = thru to end 2021

Zieik = p255 - p520 = 2022 down to 13th of june


-- love of listing and design [arts and gardens] .. gradation, graduation .. inclination / declination ... smoothery softerism ... gradualization .. classification [phys and ment]

-- -- ancient fertility pragmatism eroded to hollow and all too personal[ized / IZed] rites

-- -- -- PERSONAL: 'fight' squirts, death deals ['bestrijdings- en verdelgingsmiddel] and suffering demografixed indecency [trilingual portion - page 267 to 520]

-- -- -- GENERAL: the first global biowarfare testrun and protocolistic powergrub

-- -- -- -- -- picking up the spiritual threads from part 1 after said very dark descents :: x :: JA - installment .. reaches to 26/7 / 22 -- 5dog -- k70 ---- 2mag

The Timelines in this compilation

- :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- ::

PART 1: fertility gods, measures and pitfalls

== copied off my JA [the syncretist] pile =

=== p5 - P55 == 2013 [feb 2nd] to 2019 [13th of oct]

taken off my main note pile =

===== p56 - p72 == late 1990s to 2019

premierin' =

======= p153 - p184 == 2020

======== p184 - p204 == 2021

PART 2: Zieik == 2014 - 2022 down to 13th of june

PART 3: Covid notes == 2020

PART 4: more notes on syncretists =

p592 - p832 == 2020 to early 2022


PAGE NUMBERS ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚

Cernunnos STRAGGLIES = 2 runs [blue bg and green bg]

== from JA pile === p5 - P55 [2013 feb 2nd] to 13th of oct 2019

from main stack == p56 - p72 from late 90s - p152 = 2019]


Cernunnos PROPER = p153 - p184 = 2020

- :: + :: -X- :: + = p184 - p204 = 2021 = last entry 20th of dec - k111


Zieik = p205 - p354 = to end 2021: 30th of dec / 365 :: 157 / k121

Zieik = p255 - p520 = 2022 down to 13th of june


Glyphosate = from p428 forwards [quotes mostly]


Covid notes minus quotes [see [Mixer-Uppers' for those]

p521 - p591 = 2020 = 25th of jan -- 25th of nov 330doty :: k86


JA = p592 - p655 = 2020 = starting halfway: 25th of june :: k88

:::::::: p656 - p832 = 2021 = to early22 :: 3rd of april -- k215 ---



✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ ✚ OLDER synopsis VERSION:

alt title: the art of stirring [up] rock .. it's all in the 'mix'

Grids, Sieves n Filters (parts 1&2) .. Powders, Pastes [Part 2], Potions and Poisons [Part 3&4] ..... more griddery [part 5]...


PART ONE - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: + :: -

grids of savant calendarisms and, less abstract, just short of reflexivity, pragmatic 'almanacian' at handness. In short, grids vs sieves ....


PART TWO - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: + :: -

Cernunnos and Samudra Manthan [directly related]

PAGE 57 TO 153 = deviltry and rulership thru the ages between the vedics and the pagans --

on the 'empty' / tabood and poopooed place where you get to sweep grits great and small [those identifiable as gaian bone portruding from gaian green skin from 'fallen' practice] clean 'away' [into life's braid of dust, water and sun via compost, ideally]


PART THREE - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: + :: -

THE TRILINGUAL 'heart´ /portion of this file':

prose about my personal tragedy and how it fits in at various levels of intimacy [on which i am a world expert so far ahead of the rest that the distasteful thing i have to look forward to is a type of GWebb vs BMalone [m/i/f]ire exchange .... ---------- my most dramatic writing yet ... anecdotes and notes as i wend myself this way and that, looking for detox after months of psychosomatic paralysis during which the poison settled deep into my less than perfectly fit tissues [and cringe crass trashcrash leading up to it]------------------------

PART THREE B ::::::::: page 468: on Glyphosate [QUOTAGE MOSTLY], penultimate 'inoculant before all out, full on CareScare Mafiya Queen Covid makes WorldPowerGrab [or, yet another banking centralization as market cornering rather than opening attempt, written about much{, ..} earlier]

||| 3sprachich ||| ----tri-lingual---- ||| --3talig-- |||

||| Glyphosat ||| GLYPHOSATE ||| Glyfosaat |||

GERMAN: seiten 267 bis 520 ueber Glyphosat

in 3 Sprachen [abwechselnd, nit uebersetzt]

ENGLISH :::: pages 267 to 520 on glyphosate

:: IN 3 languages [alternatingly, not translated]

DUTCH ::::::: paginas 267 tot 520 over glyfosaat

:::::: 3 talig [afwisselend, niet vertaald]



take one of the oldest, smallest amino acids, maim it slightly and turn it into a plant'protection' product. what could go wrong?

couldn't possibly cause complete civility break down, could it

+ above paragraphs


PART FOUR - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: + :: -

page 521 retraces to 2020 and begins [a Citations minimized version of] my remarks on the Covidian Cult [full version in neighbouring file 'siblinked' to semitological and genderistic ponderments]


PART FIVE == 4TH VOLUME ON VOLUM VOTAN - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - from mid20 forwards to halfway 2022 --------------- page 592 to end [p832 - black bg ends p655, 2021 begins on the next page .... one more bg color change at p713 halfway '21


:: + :: - - :: + :: -X- :: + :: - ✚=✚=✚=✚=✚ 3 files cover earlier notes and quotes on worldview shapers, cosmologists and syncretists [+adjacent 'soupchukkts'] ::x:: :: x :: the concept of kindred stretched and 'gradualized' into classes and categories, lists and diagrams ... much of it via Jose Arguellles / Valum Votan, an eclectic syncretist / art historian / calendar reformer whose late remoniker was Valum Votan

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Double consciousness is a doozy.

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