sick post, thanks for not paywalling. queueing up all these interesting references so i can read them while doing nothing with my life.

environment revealing itself as teaching machine was a fucking spiritual emergency yah. (round 2017 or so, too. coincidence? i checked.) enlightened by the pumpkin lantern's word-bird nod (which funnily enough is not logorrhea but wittgensteinan lion-language, nyah nyah.)

sure enough back in the day we used to believe most of the machine was invented in or around weimar. had you been dope you coulda witnessed in real time how that insight lead nowhere real fast. guess what I'm tryna say is... other than subscribe to your substack, what are we even supposed to do with this.

other than a pretext for sharing these ("blog post as search query for people", go kick me) - I can say a lot of things but not that I really get the premise. what the fuck else is "cute" even supposed to mean, other than "an aesthetic of neoteny"? my usual strategy of bouncing the signifier across 3 languages yields no obvious exit point.

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And actually, if you're going to read any of the stuff I'm quoting here then you're already doing the number-one most important thing, which is to engage with primary texts and stop trusting other motherfuckers to summarize shit. Spend time, not money—which is very, very hard for people with money.

Secondary sources are killing us.

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Aug 15Liked by Clinton Ignatov

>Spend time, not money—which is very, very hard for people with money.

right on

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I haven't made a succinct recommendations list because I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do. That said, I'm constantly telling people what to do—it's just spread out. There is a tension/opposition at play here—I want to lay a whole lot of groundwork and measure the response. A little clicky-baity sometimes, more informative or cerebral other times, constantly leaving breadcrumbs etc.

Hoping to get new ideas from the thoughts that my incomplete analyses inspire—this is a conversation, not a lecture or sermon.

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Aug 15Liked by Clinton Ignatov

welp, can't argue with that. not that I'm trying to in the first place ;-)

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